Transcript Request

The Ontario School Transcript (OST) provides a comprehensive record of a student’s overall achievement and lists the credits that a secondary school student has earned towards fulfillment of the requirements for the graduation diploma. Former students of McKinnon Park Secondary School can obtain a copy of their transcript of marks.

Recent Graduates/Retirees

If you have attended McKinnon Park Secondary School within the past 10 years you can request your transcript from the school. You can request your transcript in person or by downloading the request form and emailing it. There is a $5 fee for each copy of a transcript if obtained from MPSS.

In the Summer only (July and August), request transcript from GELA using the following website:


Former Graduates/Retirees

If you attended McKinnon Park Secondary School more than 10 years ago, your records have been archived. You can request your transcript by contacting Grand Erie Learning Alternatives in Brantford (519-753-6079) or by clicking here to visit the Board's website for more information.

How to Apply:

In Person

  • Apply in person at McKinnon Park Secondary School and complete the School Transcript Request Form.
  • Payment must be cash.
  • Transcripts can be mailed or picked up. Please provide a student number, if applicable, if you are requesting a copy to be mailed to a post-secondary institution.

By Phone or Email

  • Please print and complete the School Transcript Request Authorization and Consent Form and email to:
    or call 905-765-4466 ext 732205 between September-end of June.