
Above: A green space at Oakland-Scotland Public School.

Grand Erie Goes Green with EcoSchools for 13th Year


Since 2010, Grand Erie schools have been showing up for sustainability in their communities in a big way, examining their environmental impact and identifying unique ways to reduce their footprint through the EcoSchools program. This initiative is designed to teach the importance of environmental learning and climate action so that our community can thrive.  

Above: Students at Delhi Public School take part in an outdoor learning class.

As of 2022, Grand Erie is home to 15 certified EcoSchools, but this is no small undertaking. Being an EcoSchool means committing to a host of activities, projects, campaigns and checkpoints along the way to pass an assessment for the chance to become certified.

So, what does this look like across Grand Erie? Collectively this year, these schools have racked up 7,564 hours of outdoor learning, with 16 trees planted, 397 waste-free lunches, and 102 efficiency-optimized classrooms. To top it off, 67 per cent of Grand Erie schools have been EcoSchool certified for at least five years.

“I am very impressed with the work and effort of these schools (and 13 other schools who started applications this year). The hard work and accomplishments of these schools have not only helped our environment for our current students, but it has also positively impacted our environment for future generations,” said JoAnna Roberto, Director of Education, who herself was an Eco-Hawk, proudly championing environmental conservation efforts as a classroom teacher and school administrator.

Above: An outdoor classroom at Bloomsburg Public School in Waterford featuring new trees.

“The students involved and educators involved are incredible environmental stewards who are changing attitudes and culture within their school, at home and within the wider community.”

The following schools became certified in 2021-2022:

Bronze Certification:

  • Caledonia Centennial Public School
  • Oakland-Scotland Public School
  • Walsh Public School
  • North Ward School

Silver Certification:

  • Lynndale Heights Public School
  • Hagersville Elementary School
  • River Heights School
  • Boston Public School

Gold Certification:

  • Bloomsburg Public School
  • Delhi Public School
  • Jarvis Public School
  • Seneca Central Public School

Platinum Certification:

  • Waterford District High School
  • Brantford Collegiate Institute and Vocational School
  • Onondaga-Brant Public School

Thank you to all schools who participated in the EcoSchool program this year. Your dedication to environmental stewardship for the district is inspiring!


Boys Basketball win their first game of the season. Click here to read the full article.


Nick Howard earns a silver medal in Rugby. 


Logan and Bailey Donaldson receive the student recognition award from GEDSB