
Daily Announcements - June 21st

Food for Thought will be serving frozen yogurt this morning between 1st and 2nd period by the library.

All library books and resources are now due to be returned! If you have a PDHS library book signed out, it’s time to search your locker, your bedroom, your backpack, your gym bag and any other spot it may be hiding and bring it back to the library. Your cooperation is appreciated!

Attention all students and staff.  The gyms will be closed over the lunch hour this week in order to try to keep those spaces cooler for phys ed classes during this heat wave.

 Attention all track athletes who did not attend the Athletic Banquet.  Please come to see Mrs. Ernst in the girls phys ed office to pick up your team championship plaque.

Attention all athletes:  If you have a uniform from any season PLEASE BRING IT BACK IN!!  There are missing uniforms from almost every team, don’t be part of the problem!  Be part of the solution!

Hey PDHS there are still spots left for the Boston and New York trip next year.  Do not miss this amazing adventure – come to the foods room for an information package or see Mr. Murchie, Ms. Bales or Mrs, Winegard for more information!!  Let’s go to the Big Apple!!!!

This is a reminder for grade 12 graduating students:  The new Ontario Curriculum requires you to complete 2 online learning credits to qualify for graduation.  If you wish to opt out of this requirement and haven’t already filled out the paperwork, please see us in the Guidance office.

Please stop by the lost and found and reclaim any items you may have lost. Any clothes and shoes left over will be donated to goodwill. The lost and found is located right across from the main office.