
A Message to Families from JoAnna Roberto,
Director of Education

Dear Grand Erie Families,

We hope you had a wonderful break and are looking forward to the new year ahead.

Roberto_JoAnna-wType.jpgAs previously communicated, due to the province-wide shutdown, all Grand Erie students will move to teacher-led remote learning beginning Monday, January 4. 

Grand Erie elementary students will learn remotely from January 4-8. Teachers will connect with students on Monday, January 4 providing them with an overview of the week and learning opportunities. The rest of the week, teachers will provide learning materials to students on D2L Brightspace. Teachers will work with families to provide flexible learning experiences, both synchronously and asynchronously, during our regular instructional hours. Elementary schools will remain closed to students for in-person learning until Monday, January 11.

Grand Erie secondary students will learn remotely from January 4-22. Secondary students will follow their quadmester schedule with one course a day. Teachers will provide synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities to students. For students with co-op placements, teachers will connect to arrange for an alternative plan. College SWAC or Dual Credit programs will continue. Alternative Education programs will transition to remote learning and eLearning courses will continue as usual. Secondary schools will remain closed to students for in-person learning until Monday, January 25.

Grand Erie students accessing self-contained programming in both elementary and secondary will learn remotely from January 4-8. More information will be provided to all families next week regarding the model of learning for the following weeks.

Grand Erie students and families who previously selected online learning will continue, as usual, in the Virtual Learning Academy.

Elementary and secondary school principals will be in contact with families that indicated the need for a device for remote learning. Arrangements to pick-up devices will be made during the week of January 4-8.

During remote learning, student attendance will continue to be taken. All parents/guardians are asked to follow their school’s regular process for reporting student absences during this time. 

Finally, we have a Parent Support for Remote Learning document for families to assist with remote learning. For additional information, families are asked to contact their child’s principal.

Thank you,

JoAnna Roberto

Director of Education
Grand Erie District School Board

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