






Ministry Requirements


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Ministry Requirements

Included below are the requirements specifically asked for by the Ministry of Education for the 2018-19 Annual Director’s Report.

Improvement Plan

Pathways Planning
and Supports

Schools and Classrooms
that Support All Students



Board Improvement Plan

Information on boards’ progress implementing these actions and the impact they have had.

All elementary schools in Grand Erie have School Achievement Plans that are focused on mathematics as it is our greatest area of need. From our qualitative survey data, we know that teachers felt most confident with: their knowledge of concepts of Quantity in Number Sense and Numeration; and, their ability to identify/recognize/name and know concepts of Quantity in student work.

However, teachers felt the least confident with: their math knowledge of how to support all students in their class; and, how to respond with next steps for those students to move their math thinking forward. As a result, our system learning goal is to build our capacity as educators of mathematics by deepening our understanding of Operational Sense in order to recognize, respond to, and develop this thinking in all learners. We introduced learning progressions and Operational Sense.

We offered a tiered learning model to address this:

Elementary Administrators Indicators of Success

Administrators will:

  • Confidently support educator learning about the Ontario Math Curriculum
  • Monitor the emerging understanding of math learning progressions for operations
  • Support educator learning by explicitly making connections to resources such as the GEDSB Waterfall document and, the Poster to support operational sense
  • Have a deeper understanding of concepts of quantity and operational sense
  • Intentionally interrupt the status quo

Elementary Administrator Support to Achieve the Indicators of Success

In 2018-19, Elementary Administrators were immersed in a monthly professional learning structure focused on instructional leadership of mathematics to enhance their facilitation skills: on Professional Activity Days; at staff meetings; and, for monitoring and measuring student achievement. In addition, Administrators were encouraged to attend and learn alongside their educators at professional learning sessions. Many administrators also work closely with consultants or coaches to plan the learning for staff meetings.

Elementary Educator Indicators of Success

Educators will have a deep understanding of:

  • Math content knowledge related to concepts of quantity and operational sense
  • Different types of student thinking and be able to name
  • Developmental progressions to assist with identifying a student’s next steps
  • Different types of math models/tools that students can use to think and communicate ideas

Elementary Educator Support to Achieve the Indicators of Success:

Lead Teachers: Every elementary school had a lead junior teacher. They attended three professional learning sessions. The focus of these sessions was to explore Leaps and Bounds, a gap closing resource. Lead teachers were expected to do some in-between with this resource and, examples of student work in math were brought back to the next session. An explicit focus was also made on the connection between Operational Sense (Number Sense and Numeration strand) to what we had already learned about concepts of Quantity (Number Sense and Numeration).

Intensive Support Schools: A total of 13 schools were identified by the Ministry as intensive support schools. For the past two years, these schools have received the most support. Three full days of release for four junior teachers was provided for Collaborative Inquiry for Learning in Mathematics sessions (CIL-M). Schools received consultant support with a plan to gradually release responsibility to staff with each subsequent session.

Increased Support Schools:Junior Teachers from 21 schools designated increased support received two full days of professional learning for Grade 4-6 classroom teachers in networked groupings and, one CIL-M session supported by the assigned consultant or coach.

All Support Schools: The most support was offered to the educators in the 24 all support schools. Grades 3-6 classroom teachers attended three full days of professional learning in networked groupings. Two full days of CILM were also planned for each junior staff at their own school. Additionally, a coach was assigned to each of these schools. When the pause in release time for professional learning began in January, consultants and coaches moved to a co-planning and co-teaching model in the individual schools to which they are assigned. Additionally, they offered Lunch and Learn sessions and are supporting administrators by co-facilitating professional learning during staff meetings.

Elementary Student Indicators of Success

Students will demonstrate:

  • Increased use of multiple models/tools
  • Further developed understanding of quantity and operational sense
  • Increased confidence


Elementary Student Support to Achieve Indicators of Success

By building the capacity of our educator, student understanding, confidence, reasoning and thinking will deepen with respect to quantity and operational sense.

Monitoring and Measuring the Indicators of Success

As a system we have great variance between schools and within schools in the implementation of using the key understanding of quantity to notice and name student mathematical thinking and plan for and deliver the instruction that responds to that thinking. To bridge this gap, we must link system learning in operational sense to quantity relationships, addressing the dual needs of the system.

In 2018-19, we introduced learning progressions and Operational Sense and this is reflected in our quantitative and qualitative data. We are in the awareness stage of this learning. A variance between and within schools exists but it is a smaller gap as this is new learning for the whole system.

Our students demonstrate they have knowledge of Number Sense and Numeration, Measurement and Patterning & Algebra, which aligns with our focused system learning on: Quantity and Operational Sense which are foundational. However, students struggle to demonstrate their thinking or apply their knowledge. As a result, Students need more opportunities and experiences to develop reasoning skills through math tasks that allow for the use of a variety of tools and models, and multiple ways to solve.

Educators and Administrators will continue to receive intentional professional learning support to address student gaps and learning needs by learning how to: assess individual student gaps; provide intentional targeted learning opportunities; recognize student thinking and respond with appropriate strategies; use of a variety of tools and models; and, advance student mathematical thinking along the continuum of learning.

In the intermediate division, support for all Grand Erie Grade 7-9 teachers continued for 2018-19 with cross-panel collaborative inquiry learning model being utilized. The focus of this collaborative inquiry learning model cycle was to build capacity in our educators to deepen mathematical content knowledge of operational sense in order to recognize, respond, and develop this understanding in all students.

Students’ work samples were used to build progressions of thinking that allowed us an opportunity to identify student thinking and problem-solving strategies in relation to operational sense. Educators explored the evidence-based instructional strategy of math talks to develop operational sense in our students.

In the secondary division, support for all Grand Erie schools continued for 2018-19 with schools receiving funding for release time to attend central professional development sessions and to work with school-based professional learn teams and a coach.

Student Success and secondary program have continued to work with all secondary schools, and professional development focused on the three-act math lesson, math talk, and promoting the use of vertical non-permanent surfaces. Members of the Student Success team attended school-based math team meetings to work intensely with the MFM1P teachers, math coach and administrator. A regional Student Achievement Officer worked with principals new to the role to assist them with the Fundamentals of Math.


Pathways Planning and Supports

Efforts to increase awareness of and exposure to technology, the skilled trades and apprenticeship pathways for all students. This would include new initiatives and reporting on existing programs that support pathway choices, including experiential learning, Specialist High Skills Majors, Dual Credit programs and the Ministry of Training, Colleges and Universities’ Ontario Youth Apprenticeship Program (OYAP)

Grand Erie currently offers 36 Specialist High Skills Majors (SHSM) programs offering learning opportunities in the open, college, university and workplace pathways. The majority of the programs support students in apprenticeship/workplace pathways. Through the SHSM program, a number of students attended college visits with a focus on apprenticeship and skilled trade schooling.

Epic Jobs successfully promotes skilled trades to roughly 2,000 Grade 7-8 students from Grand Erie, the coterminous board, and Six Nations with the assistance of a variety of community partners. The event also focuses on opportunities for women in the skilled trades.

Manufacturing Day showcased various industries in our community that require and hire various skilled trades. Approximately 400 students and teachers from every secondary school in Grand Erie participated.

Skills Ontario/OYAP Presentations were made to Grade 10 Careers classes and promoted the importance of skilled trades in our region and economy. The OYAP program was promoted as a terrific way to road test an apprenticeship opportunity.

What’s Your Plan was an apprenticeship focused evening event for parents and students to learn more about placement opportunities in Brantford and college pathways to achieve their goals.

Through the School College Work Initiative (SCWI), many of Grand Erie’s secondary schools offer dual credits in courses that lead to apprenticeships and skilled trades. Dual credits provide students with an opportunity to gain a college credit and exposure to post-secondary opportunities.

Destination College allowed Grade 8 students and teachers to participate in a series of interactive workshops related to programs offered at community colleges as well as a brief information session on college life.


Efforts to support all students in successfully transitioning to their initial postsecondary destination.

GSN funds were used to hire six transition teachers. The transition staff helped Grade 7-12 teachers and students develop a better understanding of pathways, courses offered in secondary school and post­secondary options.

The transition teachers built capacity and comfort with all intermediate staff and the access of the IPPs increased across the Board.

All schools were encouraged to make secondary students aware of post­secondary education options, apprenticeship pathways, and options for the world of work throughout Grades 11-12. Through experiential learning funds, schools took tours of post­secondary institutions.

Grand Erie students were highly engaged with neighbouring post­secondary institutions in a variety of pathways exploration. These opportunities strengthened our transition planning and provided students with better clarity when selecting and investigating secondary and post-secondary school pathways.


Schools and Classrooms that Support All Students

Building safe and inclusive school climates by: engaging and responding to students, parents and community partners to identify and remove barriers that limit their ability to participate fully in student learning and the life of the school; providing religious accommodation; and supporting culturally responsive and relevant teaching and learning

  • On an on-going basis, personalized equipment needs are met through the Special Equipment Amount (SEA) process
  • Special student transportation needs are addressed individually
  • Explicit focus on accessibility features in teaching/learning software and understanding of universal (inclusive) lesson planning in professional learning opportunities for staff members
  • Program staff in all portfolios are working to enhance the skills of all educators to deliver programs using universal design and differentiated instruction strategies in order to achieve the full participation of all students
  • Renovations and retrofits are completed and new buildings are constructed to meet accessibility standards as defined in the Ontario Building Code
  • The Grand Erie website and staff portal meet current accessibility standards
  • All policies and procedures are reviewed through an accessibility lens by the Safe and Inclusive Schools Committee
  • All volunteers participate in online accessibility training
  • Professional learning was provided to school administrators on the Ontario Human Rights Commission (OHRC) Policy on Accessible Education for Students with Disabilities
  • Student Success Secondary Program offered professional development to support a deeper understanding of creating culturally responsive classrooms and differentiated instruction to meet the learning needs of all Grand Erie students including English Language Learners, Indigenous Learners, and students identified with Learning Disabilities


Supporting the achievement and well-being of First Nation, Métis and Inuit learners. This includes strengthening partnerships with Indigenous community members and parents as well as increasing the knowledge and understanding of all staff and students with regards to Indigenous perspectives, histories, current realities and ways of knowing

  • The insights of an Indigenous Support and Engagement Teacher were highly valued again this year in guiding the work of professional learn teams in schools with Indigenous students
    • Their direct work and relationship building was paramount in keeping students engaged and attending.
  • The April secondary PD day was focused on Indigenous Education and address systemic barriers using the Ontario FNMI Policy Framework and Equity Action Plan


Meeting the equity and inclusive education goals in the board’s multi-year strategic plan, equity implementation plan, and/or other system-level improvement plans; How school and system leaders are held accountable for progress towards the board’s goals for equity and inclusion; The collection, analysis and use of data to monitor progress on equity and inclusion goals

  • Grand Erie continues to build the capacity of administrators and teachers to identify and respond to issues involving equity and inclusion though training opportunities as well as individualized consultations with Safe and Inclusive Schools
  • The Board provided resources and training using Unlearn materials to support conversations about diversity and unconscious bias in classrooms
  • Created Grand Erie’s Equity video series called ‘Celebrating Diversity’ along with an Equity package for every school to build further awareness and responsiveness to issues of diversity, equity and inclusion
  • Vetted speakers and programs through the Safe and Inclusive Schools Committee to ensure messaging is consistent with the Board plan and meets standards related to student safety and well-being
  • Promoted community engagement through meetings with key stakeholders (e.g., Muslim leaders, LGBTQ+, Women’s Services)
  • Provided resources through electronic platforms for easy teacher access. (e.g., bullying resources, online safety, lesson plans for issues of equity and inclusion)
  • Provided training to administrators regarding violence threat risk assessment, safe schools processes and the importance of reporting and responding to student behaviour through a progressive discipline approach
  • Revised the Traumatic Events Response Model in Grand Erie to reflect the importance of understanding school climates and their unique identities as part of understanding how to be helpful to both staff and students during crisis
  • Collaboration with community partners to offer a parent forum on youth and substance use to build awareness as well as promote conversations with youth about Cannabis
  • Partnered with Western University Professor to promote evidence-based practices in responding to youth substance use
  • Promoted opportunities for student voice (e.g., Global Day of Dignity) and supported secondary schools to promote youth-driven projects related to equity and inclusion (e.g., Rainbow Ball)
  • Created and administered a student census with the goal of identifying and eliminating systemic barriers for marginalized student subgroups to academic achievement and sense of belonging


Efforts to ensure that staff recruitment and promotion strategies support efforts to support a diverse staff in a fair and equitable workplace. This includes proactively removing and preventing discriminatory biases and systemic barriers in recruitment, hiring, talent management, career mentoring, promotion, retention and succession planning

  • Grand Erie is conscious of the need to be bias-free in its hiring practices and procedures. The Board has a hiring guideline document for administrators to use to try and guide them about proper hiring practices so they are being objective and inclusive