

Labour Update


We are pleased to let you know that all schools will be open again for in-person learning tomorrow, November 8.

Grand Erie’s 920 CUPE staff members will be returning tomorrow to the daily, vital work they do supporting students and learning across the district.

All regular school activities will resume, including extracurricular activities, sports and athletics and student transportation.

Progress reports, where they haven’t already been distributed, will be sent home. Parent-teacher interviews scheduled for this week will proceed as planned.

All child care centres and before- and after-care will be open. Community Use of Schools permits will resume so activities scheduled after hours at Grand Erie schools will now continue as planned.

All ongoing virtual or elearning instruction will continue as normal.

Thank you for your patience. We know these past few days have been difficult, and we’re excited to welcome all students back to school tomorrow.


Thank you Queensview Retirement Community for donating $1,000 to our playground fundraiser

In an effort to build a better school playground we are trying to raise money for two playground structures with landscaping. This project will make a positive difference for 400+ elementary students at North Ward School. The estimated costs to complete the project is $75,000 to $100,000. Our school has raised approximately $11,000 through our recent Danceathon. Thank you to Queensview Retirement Community and R.T . Systems Inc. for donating $1000 each to our important cause.

For charitable donations of $1,000 or more, we can provide a charitable donation receipt, an acknowledgement on our outdoor school sign (see photo) and an acknowledgement in our school website. We will also include the name of the business or community group on a permanent plaque displayed inside our school.

For further information on donating to our playground project please contact the Ms. Shaheen or Mr. Holmes at: 519-442-2311.

Together, let's build a better playground!

Social Justice at North Ward

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We also have a YouTube channel to keep you posted about all the amazing things happening at North Ward. Click on the picture below to see!

North Ward YouTube channel