Specialized Services

Resource Room - Room 216

An alternative space for students to get extra help. Students will be provided classroom accommodations based on their Individual Education Plans. The resource room can be used by students if specific accommodations are necessary and cannot adequately be met in the regular classroom.

Educational Assistants work with students in their regular classrooms when available.

IEP - Individual Education Plan

Students who require classroom accommodations above what is usually provided, may have an Individual Education Plan created. The IEP must be created within 30 school days of student placement.

Alternative programming at HSS are vocational, non-credit classes. These classes focus on life, social and employability skills. Students may have a combination of credit and non-credit classes.

A transition plan is included with the IEP to outline goals related to current and future skills and pathways.

IPRC - Identification, Placement and Review Committee

The IPRC will decide a student’s exceptionality and classroom placement based on current assessments and Grand Erie’s criteria.