
DHS Eco Club Bag2School Recycle Textiles Program

As part of the waste reduction program the Eco Club has partnered with the Bag2School program to divert unwanted textile waste from landfills. This program also raises awareness of textile pollution to change the behaviours of students and their families.

The Eco Club is collecting any textiles and/or clothing, which can be dropped off in the cafeteria. The items will be shipped overseas and sold as quality used clothing boosting affordable clothing markets in developing countries.

Eco Club has implemented this program to teach students about the importance of recycling and re-using, fostering environmental awareness at a young age. It also makes a huge impact on the amount of textile waste in our landfills.

Did you know?

The second greatest polluting industry in the world is the textile industry (second to oil). In North America approximately 85% of textile waste is disposed of in landfills, yet it is almost 100% recyclable and approximately 97% is recoverable.