
Dear Parents and Guardians,

All of the staff of Paris Central would like to welcome our returning students and new students back to school. We hope that you have had a restful summer. We have a year of fun and educational activities planned for PCS. This year, we continue to focus on Math in new and innovative ways and creating a culture of mindful decision making.

This week, there will be some important paperwork coming home. Please take the time to review it and return anything that requires your signature. Of particular importance is the Current Information Sheet that provides your contact information to the school. Please be sure to review the Media Consent portion at the bottom of the page as we like to celebrate our students' achievement by posting them on our website. We can only post pictures of students who have parental consent.

As you know, Paris Central has gone cashless. Information on School Cash Online has been sent home to families.

I am looking forward to another great year!

Best regards,

Ms. Lytle