
*Our first school wide head check will be October 23rd

by our qualified volunteers.

Head lice spreads by….

  • Close contact
  • When heads touch during hugs, sharing secrets, play wrestling, working together
  • Shared objects
  • Combs, brushes, hats

Tips to prevent infestation or re-infestation:

  • Teach children that head lice is spread by direct contact. They should keep a little distance from other heads.
  • Teach children to never share combs, brushes, barrettes or anything else thy use foe their hair.
  • Keep longer hair in barrettes, pony tails, buns or braids.
  • Teach children to never share hats, caps or scarves.
  • During winter months, send a plastic bag to school for your child to store hats and scarves in before hanging them on the coat hook.
  • Consider adding tea tree oil to your shampoo. This method is not proven, but some people have had success with it.
  • Start a head lice patrol in your home: regularly examine each child’s head closely for signs of infestation; once a week is about right.

Head to head makes the head lice spread