Lakewood Elementary Parent Council

A few words from the Lakewood Parent Committee (LPC)

OUR MISSION: Advocating for the education, health and success of all children and youth while building strong families and communities

When do we meet?

Usually the First Monday of the Month from 6-8 pm at Lakewood Elementary. Check the calendar for details. LPC meetings are open to all Lakewood families. Child care is available but please let us know in advance if you will require child care so that we can plan to have adequate supervision.

What do we want to accomplish?

Some general goal areas are:

  • Strong sense of community
  • Nutrition and healthy lifestyle
  • Parent outreach and learning resources
  • Thinking GREEN, being kind to the environment
  • Security and safety of our children

We are always interested to hear ideas from the families, teachers, assistants and other staff at the school as well as from the community - we encourage you to share your thoughts! Let’s put these ideas into action!

What do our parent volunteers help with?

  • Santa Sale
  • Snack Program
  • Annual Meet the Teacher BBQ
  • Hot Lunch Days
  • Family Dances
  • EQAO Supervision
  • In the Classroom help for Teachers

And much more!

Why do we fundraise and where does the money go?

The school is given a budget each year, but the reality is there just isn’t enough money to go around. An important role of the LPC is to fundraise throughout the year so that we can help to offset costs:

  • Exercise and play supplies (e.g. balls, skipping ropes, yoga mats)
  • Classroom supplies (e.g. agendas, bean bag chairs, sound system, smart boards)
  • Field Trips/Workshops (e.g. meet the teacher BBQ, guest speakers, grade 6 grad, JK orientation, bus costs)
  • “Good will” fund (e.g. helping to ensure that all students have the opportunity to participate)

These continue to be important areas for the LPC to support in the coming year.

In past years we have also had a major project with dedicated fundraising efforts in the community and have been able to purchase a number of Smart Boards, primary playground equipment, and a new sign and message board.

Why get involved?

By getting involved with the LPC, you can help discover new and exciting ways to contribute to the education of students in our school. Education is a partnership involving parents, students, teachers, principals, school boards, government, and the community. Our involvement gives us the opportunity to strengthen that partnership, and to be part of a dedicated team working to ensure a high quality of education and an accountable education system for our children. Your participation can make a difference! Please come out and help in any way you can. Children love to see their parents, grandparents, etc at school! Please contact a member of the LPC if you can help out in any way. We look forward to a great year together!

Meeting Minutes

LPC Executive 2023-24

  • Melissa Mummery & Martine McLarney Garrish
  • Chris & Kailey Skinkle
    co-Vice Chairs
  • Jen Helwig
  • Jena Sugg